Thursday, July 18, 2013

Life/Trials/BE HAPPY

Hello Everyone. This is a quote that I found from the wonderful (and my neighbor back home) Chelsea E. Sheridan! I was reading this quote and looking at other quotes and had some thoughts:

Life isn't easy. I think inside we would like it to be easy. Is there a place somewhere inside of us where we have a desire to do hard things? Maybe? Maybe there isn't. I think that some people have a desire to do hard things. Or we do sometimes. Anyway, other times we have to learn in this life the value of hard things! A lot of us do, if not all of us.

After reading this quote (in the picture), I am grateful for the hard things that I have gotten in this life. I don't know if I have said that before. In my mind I have and definitely before my mission, sometimes? Maybe? Recently, for me, the hard things have been impossible. And so, I haven't really said that recently. Also, with this quote I think I understand more of God's plan. I - (or) ME - (or, spanish) "YO" believe that God gives us what we can handle and only what we can handle. That can vary greatly. That can vary very greatly...vary. :) lol. punny.

But, I am especially grateful for the really hard things I have gotten (somewhat hard to admit........but MORESO (for me) - it just took me a while to understand this. I don't like stubbornness) But, there are obviously reasons why we get hard things and super hard things in our lives. I know some reasons why I did. Or, I think I do! :)

But, with this quote (in the picture) I, personally, came to an understanding that God will only give us what we can handle. God needs to turn us into what he needs. And, that has to happen by trial. (yeah.....) The greater or harder the trial, naturally, the more we dislike it and the more we feel everything negative that can or could be directed towards it. But, we shouldn't think this way.

First of all, we should be preparing for these things (trials), and if we aren't, we are in trouble. We, not only may not be ready for the trial....(you won't be) but, our goal or desire of reaching our ultimate goal (hopefully everyone's is to return to/with God), may not come to pass. At least, not as fast as it could or could have or would have. Yup. Totally.

So, prepare for trials and hard times and prepare for life!! This is a good and happy place!! (Don't just prepare for your next trial! That's no fun and it is no fun for the people around you!!!) Don't get down all the time by life. Who wants us to do that? (HINT: the Plan of Salvation..... One of two possible answers.......)

And so, I am grateful for the mighty trials I have gotten and I am grateful for the preparation and progress and things that I have done in this life to prepare me and help me reach and achieve my ultimate goal. To prepare me for life. (and those trials) We should not live in fear. Don't!

But, with this quote, look at the bright side, the bigger the trial, the more we have the opportunity to be refined and make progress and be that much closer to reaching our goal and helping others! And we have that much less time to focus on ourselves and problems!!! That's what I find as the advantage. The more we suffer, (kind of), the more we come closer to God.

If we are focused so much on ourselves/what we want/our trials/how bad life is (extensively or too long)/and other things, we will miss huge things. Trials are here to help us. Why can't we understand this!!! I'm understanding more, so I am working on it and understanding it, but here are some of my thoughts.

Sorry this is so long. This should be a it is. Tada! This would've been a picture and a looong caption on facebook, but now it is a blog post! Enjoy!

and here is another quote to go along with this:

"We learn more from examination of defeats than celebration of victories."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How do we deal with adversity?

I've been thinking about this for a long time.

How do we deal with adversity?

I don't think I'm a very deep thinker, but I like to think about things, so I guess that counts for something.

So. How do we deal with adversity? I think we all deal with adversity differently. Duh! But, I think there are principles that are true no matter who we are.

Anyway. There are lots of different kinds of adversity we might encounter. What kind of adversity have you encountered lately?

What I am going to address is how we deal with adversity. I think its important to figure out if we are experiencing adversity and then go from there. We have to be experiencing adversity for any of these skills that we have or will acquire to be useful and I think that we react and handle adversity differently depending on the kind if adversity that exists.

How for example do we deal with simple obstacles? What are some examples of simple obstacles? I think any adversity can be tough and our mind only escalates our thoughts when we experience any adversity. But there are definitely different levels of adversity.

Some simple adverse conditions might be a pet peeve that we personally have. Something someone else does that bothers us. That usually being something that might only bother us. I THINK my biggest pet peeve is when someone chews with their mouth open close to me. My sister, Jacquelyn, and I have very sensitive hearing.....maybe its just selective. HAHA. Who knows. But what I DO know is that, it bothers me. It doesn't bother me so much if I just plainly SEE someone do it as much as when we are near eachother and I can hear the process of the food going down. EWWWW. This happened today. I'm not going to point fingers. I never try to. This isn't an opportunity that I am going to take to rant either. It just so happens that this happened today. It's a good example.

SO. My first thought when faced with this "adverse" condition was to blame the person with whom I had this "peeve" with. When this person just so happened to do what I hate RIGHT next to me. Hijole! Heavenly Father knows how to test us. Anyway. My first thought was to blame this person. Second thought - to tell this person to stop. Third thought - "OKAY! FINE! I'll let it go and put on my noise-cancelling headphones and suck it up and let this person have his hayday with his food." Haha.

What was interesting about this experience that I had today was the fact that it was basically and completely and only an internal struggle with MYSELF to overcome my pride and move on with life when I experienced a little adversity. I've experienced a lot of adversity. I won't get into that. I could rant for a while and it wouldn't do me any good. Especially publicly. Anyway. I know we all have experienced a lot of adversity. I don't discount anyone's experience/s.

It was just super interesting that it was completely and entirely a struggle with pride when I was faced with some adversity. A little adversity.

Now. I'm not sure where to go from here with this. I think that beyond small struggles with adversity our own instincts kick in, whether they be good or bad, effective or ineffective, and I think Heavenly Father helps us. I know he does. The thing is that there are so many different struggles with adversity that we go through that I don't think that I could even begin to break it down or summarize it or give it any justice.

We had a devotional talk today from a teacher/department head here at BYU-Idaho that was very good and he said many times throughout the talk that he was a very simple and ordinary person. It was very humble of him and I think that it made a good point. We are given the adversity that WE NEED to get to WHERE WE need to be. I think thats pretty much the end of that story. We don't experience adversity to just experience adversity. That would be rather pointless. BUT I do think that we do experience adversity that does just test us. It might not have a specific purpose but to keep us on a good path or whatever it may be.

Other times we are given adversity to prepare us for things. Other times we are given adversity to help other people. Ever thought of that before? Think about it. Really do. Think about it long and hard. I think that my trial that I just went through/am going through/am trotting through was for me. I don't deny that. BUT was it just for me? NO. Not at all. I think that is the deepest thing that I have learned this past year. Heavenly Father/God gives us adversity to help us/test us/refine us and those around us. I think that is only a secondary thing, but really think about that. Why should we? Don't ask me!

I think its cool. I do think that our trials HELPING other people might be far off or off the beaten path, but I think it does consider our consideration. What could come of that? We could learn important lessons. We could learn by hearing another's experience. We could LEARN to carry another's burden. I think that is the most lost art of all time. What happened to that? I am ranting now, but I know its for a reason! What happened to carrying eachother's burdens? I don't mean to call everyone out on this. But you know who you are. Why aren't we doing this? Who isn't doing this? Why wouldn't we do this? This is the first and most important principle of life! Even if we aren't a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or AKA a part of the "Gospel of Jesus Christ" I think we ALL know that that is the most important thing that we should and can and are supposed to do. What has happened to it? I'm not saying that it has all disappeared, but I am writing this because I think it needs to show up a lot more than it does. I honestly think it is non-existent right now. I'm sorry to say that and I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but I think that that is the first thing that OUR opposition tries to take away in our lives when someone else is going through adversity, is our ability-NO- our desire to help another person. I KNOW that that is the first thing that our lovely opposition wants to take away from us. If you haven't noticed, this has turned from, "how do we deal with adversity?" into "we need to help others deal with adversity."

I am in no way hinting that we are completely selfish, that I dislike any of you, that I have a hidden feud with anybody, no. Not at all. If you take it that way, I'm sorry, but you have some issues. Solve them.

In this blog post I am only standing up for what I know to be true. I am not challenging anyone or trying to or trying to start an argument. If I am or it comes across that way, I'm sorry. But I'm not removing any other blog posts. :)

I am only standing up for what I know to be true. I am standing up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am saying what I feel. I am saying what has been mingling in my soul for a while now. I am standing up for what I believe, first and foremost. Then. I am standing up for MY Savior, Jesus Christ. He spoke his mind too. Did everyone agree with him?! Heck no. Most people hated him for what he said. What happened to him? He was crucified.

I think this is the biggest problem in our society today. I think this is the biggest problem in the Church of Jesus Christ and I think we would all be so much better off if we ignored the oppositions voice and HELP eachother when opposition comes, instead of what?? How about instead of running the other way! This is the biggest issue I have found this last year and I think that this is the biggest problem that I and we will all face the rest of our lives. The struggle with Pride. I am in no way perfect. I am very very far from it. But what I do know and what I will do is stand up for what I know to be true and right and what I feel in my heart needs to be said. Everyone who knows me knows that that is what I will do. I do that. I don't do it to hurt anyone else, I do it because I am honest. I don't judge other people. I don't hold grudges. I HATE people who hold grudges. I HATE people who judge and I hate people who abandon others in hard times. Hate is a strong word, but I think it comes because I just hate the opposition that we have in this life and what it does to me and to others and to all of us. I hate the opposition. Yes. I readily admit that. I am proud of that. I was not expecting to write about this. But the Spirit prompted me on or plainly this is what I felt had to be said. I will not claim that this came from the spirit, only that this was a possibility because I think that our instincts kick in more than the spirit prompting us. I think they both happen. I know they both do, but I think they are interwoven/intertwined/interrelated. ULTIMATELY sometimes what needs to be said won't be said by the spirit. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I can't say. Ultimately what needs to be said will be said. I do think that what needs to be said or what the Spirit wsays or what we are prompted to say or what we feel we should or need to say or all somehow interrelated. HOW? Because we are imperfect people trying to become perfect! We aren't perfect people who speak with the tongue of angels at every second of every day. I think we learn from eachother more than we learn from the spirit. That is a deep suggestion/claim/whatever you want to cal it, but I think the Spirit moreso takes what we do and translates it into what other people need to hear. More than anything. I think I'm done. Hopefully you enjoyed! Remember to always think of others first. I do. I try to. I'm not perfect. I just try to. Thats what I do. Thats what I try to do. I'm very very far from perfect, but hey, I'm still trying. I'm lucky to be here today. I'm blessed to be here today. Lastly, I'm going to include a relevant picture to sum up what we need to do when adversity comes.

Here it is:

:) Enjoy!

It always feels much better when you say what needs to be said. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone. I didn't intend to. Take it how you want. Don't let pride get ya! Love you!


Monday, March 4, 2013

The Book of Mormon - El Libro de Mormon

Hey people,

Here is another blog post. This one is about the Book of Mormon.

Who has read it? If you haven't, guess what? You should. Best book I've ever read.

One of the few, very few, that I have read more than once. It's a great book to read. I personally think that it is an even better book to study. It usually takes me a while to read it. I like soaking it all up. I think I have read it through only 2 or 3 times by myself...and I actually think I read it those 2 or 3 times very quickly, for some reason, but I've studied it a lot and I am studying it and it takes me a while to do so.

The first time I read it by myself all the way through was before my two year mission at college. At BYU-Idaho. We read and studied the 531 pages in one semester in a class. 3-4 months.

Then I got to my mission in Long Beach, California (the best mission in the world, hehe) and our mission president asked us to read it in 84 days. The amount of time it took for Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to translate it. I procrastinated it but I finished it! Woot! It's way awesome. I think I read it through one more time on my mission at some point.

Right now I am making my own set of scriptures on a microsoft word document with pictures and articles and insights and maps and definitions and everything. I started before Christmas and I've made it through the Intro and all the way to............wait for it............1st Nephi 2. Woot! Haha. Its like 20 pages right now? Size 8 font. It's pretty cool. I want to make it into my own book.

The church has come out with timelines for all 4 standard works. Theoretically. It's pretty cool. I like them. They're cheap too. Check them out here -->

Anyway. I got a little off track.

The reason I wanted to post about the Book of Mormon is because I was studying it, am studying it. And it was really interesting. I don't know. I'll tell you the things I learned. It wasn't too profound, but it's really cool and I like it. I was studying the 1st and 2nd chapter of 1st Nephi and I was reading in the student manual for the Book of Mormon and it talked about the path that Lehi followed and it included a map in the back. I was interested in it. So I delved deeper. They talked about a place called "Nahom" and I found out through some research that some LDS scholars and researchers have found a place called "NHM" with altars with that inscription. Cool, huh? I thought it was pretty cool. There isn't too much about the place on the internet. I was looking into it more. Wikipedia, the all-knowing source of all knowledge, had a bit about it. It included that critics had issues with this find, among other things. Haha. That was interesting! Of course critics have an issue with it. There will always be critics, and they will always have issues, especially with religious things.

Anyway, I thought it was super cool that they found some evidence that this could exist. Anything they find is cool. I was trying to find more about it on the internet and on google maps, but not to much avail.

That's what I learned. The church put out an article in a January 2008 New Era about the find and Lehi's journey. It's cool.



Hey everyone,

How's it going?

I'm doing pretty well.

I had an idea for a blog post, so I'm going with it. It originates from a thought I had and something I posted on the lovely world of Facebook.

It comes from a quote from the movie, "Brave." A uds la han visto? Have you guys seen it - the movie? It's pretty good. If you all haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. The quote I am about to compartir (share) will make more sense and have more meaning if you have seen the movie. Here it is - (Ready?!)

"Our fate lies within us. We only have to be brave enough to see it."

What do you all think? I like it. It's pretty good. It's not the most profound of quotes, but I don't think that there is one quote that is more profound than another. I think that there are quotes that are more profound than others. Why? Because we go through different things throughout our lives and some things mean more to us at certain times than others and some things just plainly mean more to us than others.

We all have different personalities, and we go through different things, so there are things that mean more to us than others. I do think quotes have a different profundity level to each of us. Cool word. Profundity.

So what does everyone think that their fate is? That's a deep question. I don't know that I have thought about it. You don't have to divulge your deepest desires, or what have you to me, but just something to think about. What were we meant for? What are we doing to reach our so-called, "fate"? How are we doing? Are we helping each other? I always type "eachother". I think that is incorrect.

The movie "Brave" talks about our fates and how we should work together. That's it. Really good. I think a lot of movies are about that.

What is our fate? What are our "fates"? I think we all know our fates. It's kind of interesting. We do, but we don't.

How do we accomplish our "fates"? I think our fates can be good and bad things. I think that fates has a somewhat negative stigma to it. But I think its a good thing. I think fates are good things. Maybe they don't always necessarily come true for some reason or another, but mostly they do, I think. This is Jonathan Scott Dahneke doctrine. Hehe.

The great thing is that Heavenly Father will help us to accomplish our fates. Whatever they may be. "Fates" being a good thing. Sometimes we require chastening or trials to help us achieve our fates or see them or accomplish them or prepare for them or what have you. Sometimes we are ready for them, but for the most part we are not. We need to be prepared. I've learned that through experience. (Yes, I saw you all nod your heads in my mind) We all have been prepared for one thing or another in our lives. We are here in this life to be prepared for the rest of existence. So? Lots of trials and preparation. Lots of things must be done in whatever way we need to be tested or proven or changed to help us reach our "fates". Interesante, no?

Well, I think that is all I have for that. Good conversation topic. Feel free to post comments about what I have said.

Love you all!

PS- For you LDS people, read your patriarchal blessings.