Monday, March 4, 2013


Hey everyone,

How's it going?

I'm doing pretty well.

I had an idea for a blog post, so I'm going with it. It originates from a thought I had and something I posted on the lovely world of Facebook.

It comes from a quote from the movie, "Brave." A uds la han visto? Have you guys seen it - the movie? It's pretty good. If you all haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. The quote I am about to compartir (share) will make more sense and have more meaning if you have seen the movie. Here it is - (Ready?!)

"Our fate lies within us. We only have to be brave enough to see it."

What do you all think? I like it. It's pretty good. It's not the most profound of quotes, but I don't think that there is one quote that is more profound than another. I think that there are quotes that are more profound than others. Why? Because we go through different things throughout our lives and some things mean more to us at certain times than others and some things just plainly mean more to us than others.

We all have different personalities, and we go through different things, so there are things that mean more to us than others. I do think quotes have a different profundity level to each of us. Cool word. Profundity.

So what does everyone think that their fate is? That's a deep question. I don't know that I have thought about it. You don't have to divulge your deepest desires, or what have you to me, but just something to think about. What were we meant for? What are we doing to reach our so-called, "fate"? How are we doing? Are we helping each other? I always type "eachother". I think that is incorrect.

The movie "Brave" talks about our fates and how we should work together. That's it. Really good. I think a lot of movies are about that.

What is our fate? What are our "fates"? I think we all know our fates. It's kind of interesting. We do, but we don't.

How do we accomplish our "fates"? I think our fates can be good and bad things. I think that fates has a somewhat negative stigma to it. But I think its a good thing. I think fates are good things. Maybe they don't always necessarily come true for some reason or another, but mostly they do, I think. This is Jonathan Scott Dahneke doctrine. Hehe.

The great thing is that Heavenly Father will help us to accomplish our fates. Whatever they may be. "Fates" being a good thing. Sometimes we require chastening or trials to help us achieve our fates or see them or accomplish them or prepare for them or what have you. Sometimes we are ready for them, but for the most part we are not. We need to be prepared. I've learned that through experience. (Yes, I saw you all nod your heads in my mind) We all have been prepared for one thing or another in our lives. We are here in this life to be prepared for the rest of existence. So? Lots of trials and preparation. Lots of things must be done in whatever way we need to be tested or proven or changed to help us reach our "fates". Interesante, no?

Well, I think that is all I have for that. Good conversation topic. Feel free to post comments about what I have said.

Love you all!

PS- For you LDS people, read your patriarchal blessings.

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